Over the years the EWT has been the recipient of numerous bequests or legacies.  They have been gratefully received and have often been the reason for our ability to remain so productive during some very tough years. Upon the receipt of any bequest, the EWT management and staff ensure that the surviving families are thanked and acknowledged. However, we have always felt that as an organisation, we would like to do more to celebrate the legacies of life bequeathed to us, and the contribution they make towards protecting forever, together. The purchase of our magnificent forever home, the EWT Conservation Campus, presented an opportunity for us to do more to honour those who have contributed to creating a better future for their loved ones by supporting conservation. This property has allowed us to develop what we call the Forever Forest, where we can pay tribute to those who have committed to leaving a legacy for life, by helping us to protect the incredible wildlife and places that are critical to the future of our planet.

An Uplifting Memorial

Forever Forests are beautiful, tranquil resting places for our loved ones full of trees and life! We plant an indigenous Forever tree, providing a living memorial that will be cared for and continue to grow for generations to come!

Give Back

By planting a Forever Tree, you are giving back to the environment and future generations!

Watch the Tree Grow

Come to the Forever Forest to visit a loved one’s living memorial. We are creating a beautiful, serene space for friends and family to gather, pay tribute, heal, remember, and to celebrate all life. Do you yearn for a better future for your children? Create a Legacy for Life by including the EWT in your will and help us to secure a healthy planet with abundant wildlife, for years to come.
